February Member Meeting

During the monthly member meeting we discuss the events, activities and plans for our chapter.

African dinner in Herenveen

Our president Delphine is originally from Africa. We will have a dinner together to share her traditions and culture with the other members

April member meeting

During the monthly member meeting we discuss the events, activities and plans for our chapter.

ECM Add-on: Kingsnight: Revealing the Facade in Jordaan Party

At Kingsnight, the biggest event is the 'Revealing of the Facade', during which a piece of (funny) art is revealed with accompanying music and party. We meet at 21:00 at cafe Kobalt and make our way to the Jordaan, where we enjoy some drinks and watch the show together

ECM Add-on: Kingsday – join a local

We will meet somewhere in Amsterdam East, after which we will slowly make our way through Amsterdam, enjoying all the Kingsday events we meet on the way, and buying interesting items at the second hand fleemarket stalls. We stop at Prinsengracht 181, where we enjoy beers for student prices and there are live bands playing […]

European Capital Meeting 2022

JCI European Capitals Meeting (JCI ECM) is an informal annual 3-4 day conference, organized by an European Capital. The meeting focuses on learning, networking, cultural exchange and inspiration. JCI Amsterdam International is host of JCI ECM 2022. Initially it was meant to take place in 2021, but due to Corona, we decided to postpone it […]

May member meeting

During the monthly member meeting we discuss the events, activities, and plans for our chapter.

JCI European Conference Bruge

www.jciec2022bruges.com Food For Generations “To inspire a brighter food future” At EC Bruges we believe food is a necessity for life: it brings joy, taste and variation to life, it gives energy, and perhaps above all, it brings people together. The conference we organize is the culmination point of a trajectory of many events and […]

June member meeting

During the monthly member meeting we discuss the events, activities, and plans for our chapter.

Let’s visit JCI ‘Beat of Berlin’ weekend

JCI chapter 'Beat of Berlin' invites all JCI chapters to Berlin for their famous „Beat of Berlin“ weekend. This year the topic is „Berlin Crime Scene“ More information: www.beat-of-berlin.de