Monthly Drinks

Every first Wednesday of the month we meet to have drinks and enjoy some time together! It's great to socialize and plan the future of the chapter in chill way :) Everyone is welcome, come meet us in an informal setting! Just write us a message on Facebook ( and we can add you to […]

SKS Skûtsjesilen

Once again JCI Friesland is organizing the JCI Skûtsjesilen (= sailing in Frysian) at the SKS competition in Grou. A fully catered day on the water, with a fully catered barbecue lunch, the necessary snacks and drinks and music! The Skûtsjesilen event with fun, networking opportunities and good food & drinks.

Monthly Drinks

Once a month we meet to have drinks and enjoy some time together! It’s great to socialize and plan the future of the chapter in chill way 🙂 Everyone is welcome, come meet us in an informal setting! Just write us a message on Facebook ( and we can add you to the event

September Social Event

Another great social event with JCIAI!! Socialisation is an important part for our chapter and strive to do our best 🤩. This time it will be Dinner and Jeu de Boules! Just write us a message on Facebook ( and we can give more information on how to join this amazing organisation!

Dutch National Convention

On October 6, 7 and 8, 2023, JCI Maastricht is organizing the National Convention (NC) 2023! A weekend full of lectures, workshops, company visits, drinks and of course a smashing party. A great opportunity to meet again in large numbers during a unique JCI event, this time in the south of the country!

Evolve weekend

veluwe Veluwe, Netherlands

JCIAI will go on a weekend retreat where we'll get workshops and trainings, while having fun together and doing some team building! We aim at providing a platform where each of the participants can help each other develop by sharing their expertise and learn by delivering a session (if willing to). Just write us a […]

JCI & I Training Session

This training will take place in Amsterdam by two official JCI Trainers, and it will be about getting to know more JCI and what the organization has to offer to members (outside of our chapter). Since we're close to a new year (new mandate with new positions opening in the whole JCI), it's a great […]

World Congress Zurich

Due to the international framework of JCI, a world congress is organized every year somewhere in the world. For example, we have been to Kanazawa Japan, Québec Canada, Goa India in previous years. The World Congress is normally held in November. It is a special international experience that you will not soon forget. Literally the entire world of […]


General assembly with all the other Dutch Chapters to decide on matters related to JCI NL